DATE: 02/22/2020
I am grateful for...
1.I got 10 hours of sleep, and I feel less tired.
2.The weather is looking pretty good.
3.I get to stay in today, at my leisure.
What would make today great?
1.I'm going to watch the latest episode of Star Trek, and finally get in some gaming time.
2.I'm thinking about exploring the library a little, and finding a donut!
3.Maybe just sit outside and relax a little.
Daily affirmations. I am...
I think I am good at teaching.
3 Amazing things that happened today.
1.I went to the downtown, checked out the library, and got myself a coffee + donut.
2.I watched the latest episode of Star Trek.
3.I spent some time on the roof deck, and also got some good work done.
How could I have made today better?
Perhaps a little more structure, though it's the weekend, and I still felt good about the day. I think I should have gone up top to the roof deck earlier in the day, as it was a little cold in the late afternoon.