DATE: 02/27/2020
I am grateful for...
1.I am grateful for my friends and, sometimes to a lesser extent, my family.
2.Despite feeling absolutely wasted today, I got up at 5:30am, and stayed awake.
3.I am thankful that I live without roommates.
What would make today great?
1.Getting through more than half the issues on my queue, at work.
2.Reading more of Atomic Habits, and paying more attention to staying focused.
3.Possibly, tackling an item on my habit list that I haven't gotten to yet.
Daily affirmations. I am...
...trying my best, and it is all worth it.
3 Amazing things that happened today.
1.Lunch was pretty great!
2.I went for a longer afternoon walk, and discovered a new ice cream place, and that the nearby grocery store has great gummy candies.
3.I found out how to automatically update my FiveMinuteJournal website whenever I update the data store.
How could I have made today better?
It took waaaaay longer than expected to complete a work task, and I feel like I'm falling behind just slightly. I also wonder if I'm spreading myself out a little thin, and am wondering if it makes sense to schedule specific activities on certain days (rather than just a bucket that I choose from). That, and I'm looking for a system that will help me focus. Hmm....