DATE: 03/10/2020

I am grateful for...

1.I'm grateful to be working from home for more days this week.
2.I'm grateful for the library.
3.I'm grateful for still being able to learn new things.

What would make today great?

1.WFH in San Francisco, so lunch is going to be great!
2.I'm not commuting today, but it would be great to achieve 10k steps.
3.Go over my "schedule", and plan out some things for later in the week.

Daily affirmations. I am...

not "broken."

3 Amazing things that happened today.

1.Got to work from home; it's always nice not having to commute.
2.Amazing lunch, and not a ton of people out.
3.Despite my slow start, I felt like I got some good things accomplished today -- work and otherwise.

How could I have made today better?

Had trouble focusing - I'm not sure why. I got a good amount of sleep, I think, but still wasn't feeling my best.

10k steps is incredibly hard to do still. There isn't any place that I need to be, so forcing myself to walk, simply for sake of taking more steps, has been difficult.

Again, I still dilly-dally quite a bit. I thought about this in passing yesterday, but I really feel like I should timebox my activities.

Also, to explain my photo: I did my meditation session in the stairwell. It was... interesting.