DATE: 03/15/2020

I am grateful for...

1.Warm food on a cold day.
2.Spending more time at home, and less time commuting.
3.My friends, co-workers, and... family (sometimes, ha).

What would make today great?

1.Taking a good look at the storage unit and cleaning some stuff out.
2.Watching a movie.
3.Getting in some more reading time.

Daily affirmations. I am...

... smarter than the average bear.

3 Amazing things that happened today.

1.Well for a nice, longish walk.
2.I went into the storage unit and got rid of a box -- here's hoping I can clear some more space out.
3.Lunch was great, as always.

How could I have made today better?

I ended up not reading in the morning or evening, just the 15 minutes before bed. I would actually like to read more on the weekend, so maybe I can modify my schedule slightly to make that a reality.

I went out for a really, really long walk, but I got myself out once today. I really walk to do more walking, and even some jogging/running, but I'm having a hard time getting myself out. At the same time, I don't want to start running cold-turkey and hurt myself. I think tomorrow, instead of my usual morning routine, I'm going to take a step out and see how running/walking is around that time.

I think that I would like to make more time to meditate; I'm on the 42-day program, but I feel like incorporating it into my morning and evening routine might be good.

Doing interview study was extremely difficult. I scheduled myself two hours of study, but I don't think I completed nearly that much. Probably more like 30-45 minutes. The topic is extremely dense and, as I'm reading more about it, extremely daunting. That being said, I'm am learning a lot. I'm also wondering if I should mix up the frequency and spread out my sessions, instead of doing two hours back-to-back for two days in a row. Hmm....