DATE: 03/18/2020

I am grateful for...

1.Warmth on a cold day. For all the cold days we've been having lately.
2.Working from home has given me some extra time and flexability.
3.Being able to make something with my own hands.

What would make today great?

1.A nice walk on the roof deck.
2.Some tomato timer time.
3.Trying out some new meditations.

Daily affirmations. I am...

more than meets the eye.

3 Amazing things that happened today.

1.Tool a quick stroll around the roof deck, so I got some fresh air alright.
2.My new fitbit arrived, so I'm hoping this will help me get healthier.
3.I did some push ups and feel stronger for it.

How could I have made today better?

My step count has been middling at best; I can't really go out because of this shelter-in-place lock down thing, but maybe I can just make it out to the roofdeck each morning.

My diet has been not-so-great as well, considering I shouldn't be really out and about; food shopping is technically allowed, but I don't want to risk catching anything.

I slept for quite some time... even before 9pm, and I still woke up, really tired. I'm hoping my fitbit, with sleep tracking, and also using the Sleep Cycle app will help me figure out what's wrong. I've even been consdering some meditations, which I think I'll also be trying out.

Aside from health considerations, I'm still having a hard time with work. Part of it is frustration with how slow this computer is. I've got my macbook, so I think that will help me out come next week when my monitor accessories for it arrive.