a survivor.
I could have gone out and done more walking. I still managed to get 5k steps in, but I think I could do better. This coronavirus thing is really fucking with things.
Dinner was just kinda "meh". I think I was just making things too complicated. Each ingredient was delicious on its own but all together, it was kind of mediocre. So, I think I need to spend more time creating recipes that I'll actually enjoy and keep eating.
I also wonder if I should reduce my carb intake. Now that I"m loggin things, I can see how much of my calories is from carbs; going low carb might be hard, considering restricted access to fresh food, but I guess I'll see. I'm also considering just skipping breakfast entirely; I seem to be okay, not so hungry in the mornings.
Things passing throuhg my head recently, that I definitely want to do: