1.I discovered a pomodoro timer video on youtube, and it works great.
2.I got in some quality gaming time.
3.I came up with an answer to a data structure problem, and it got it mostly correct before looking over the solution.
I could have walked more. Over the past few days, watching my calorie count, and how many calories I've burned, I've come to a few conclusions:
- I burn about 2000 calories a day, and I have a goal of -750 calorie deficit. That puts my goal around 1250 calories.
- The more I walk, the more calories I burn, and the more lee-way I have with this goal
- around 5k steps seems to be the sweet spot for me lately: not too hard, but also not easy, and I'd usually have to go for a walk at least twice a day.
Meal planning is still a problem: takes too long to cook stuff. Or maybe I need to be more efficient with my time.
I was pretty happy with how I was able to use the tomato timer technique w/ my gaming sessions. I think I will try this with work tomorrow and see how it goes.
I really should do my meditation mid-day.