DATE: 04/05/2020

I am grateful for...

2.Space heater.
3.Muscle soreness.

What would make today great?

1.Not dawdling.
2.Cleaning up.
3.Some actual gaming time.

Daily affirmations. I am...

... in control of my life.

3 Amazing things that happened today.

1.I did some cleaning, and it felt really good.
2.I had a very productive morning
3.Got in some quality blocks of gaming time.

How could I have made today better?

I feel like I got a lot done, but my weekend mornings are starting to feel a little packed with stuff. I usually finish everything I need to do by noon-ish, it seems. I'd like to finish even earlier if possible. I'll see about next weekend.

I wonder if I should align my weekend schedule more closely with my weekday schedule. Things I think I should add to my weekend schedule:

  • walk + read
  • exercise
  • a "flow" block to get everything done that I've scheduled for myself.
  • lunch walk + read?

I'm also wondering how I should incorporate more music listening in my day-to-day, since I want to discover more music. I suppose during work would be fine, though I do really enjoy the audiobooks while working. Maybe both, and switch?
