DATE: 04/06/2020

I am grateful for...

1.Being okay with not shaving.

What would make today great?

1.Getting a good night's sleep.
2.Not losing my cool.
3.Finding an extra few hours in the day.

Daily affirmations. I am...

... a calm and collected individual.

3 Amazing things that happened today.

1.I tried pan-frying a steak for the first time, and the results were great.
2.I got some clarity about a work issue, and it felt good to sort it all out.
3.I discovered a revised work schedule. that may allow me some extra block of time.

How could I have made today better?

I had a little trouble focusing, and I went over my alloted "flow" time. I also dawdled a bit during lunch, and did do my mid-day meditation till much later in the afternoon.

I wonder if lunch could be combined with some TV time? Like reading and walking, that would be a 2-for-1 type of situation; so if I allow myself a 1.5 hour block of time that leaves:

  • 30 mins to prepare a mea1 + eat.
  • 45 mins for an episode of something, let's say 15 mins of that overlaps with eating.
  • 15 mins to walk + read
  • 15 mins meditation.

By increasing my focus during my flow time blocks, I actually end with more time in the end. That's definitely some motivation to keep at it.