DATE: 04/19/2020

I am grateful for...

2.Space heater.

What would make today great?

1.Relaxing, taking things slow, and one thing at a time.
2.Solid gaming session.
3.Getting a hold on what I want to do with my todo setup.

Daily affirmations. I am...

... worthy of love.

3 Amazing things that happened today.

1.A nostalgia trip while playing Final Fantasy VII Remake.
2.Tasty meals.
3.Fiddling around with org-mode in emacs and mind-mapping software was fascinating.

How could I have made today better?

Like my Saturday, today felt kind of "loose", slow, and relatively relaxing. I didn't really follow my todos terribly closely. I wonder if that's okay or not.

I found myself distracted with my discovery of mind-maps. I really don't know why. I wonder if this has to do with my penchant for making plans rather than following through with them.

I have a problem with retail therapy. I should figure something out to get this under control.

Mind-mapping is fascinating to me, but I can't seem to find a useful use-case for it; or maybe I'm just having trouble with how a visualization would help me with, say, a to-do list. Eh, something to think about.

So, things that could have been better:

  • investigate how to deal with retail therapy.
  • see how I can use and apply mind-maps to my daily life.
  • see how org-mode can fit into my daily work-flow