DATE: 04/27/2020

I am grateful for...

1.Learning new things.
2.Awesome music.
3.Cleaning up.

What would make today great?

1.Waking up, and having some more energy.
2.Putting more junk onto eBay.
3.A potential afternoon block of time?

Daily affirmations. I am...

going to get better at this.

3 Amazing things that happened today.

1.A nice and healthy lunch.
2.Got back into the swing of cooking.
3.Actually got a lot of work done sooner than expected, got in a hour or so of free time.

How could I have made today better?

Still trying to the hang of org-mode -- maybe I need to carve out some time each day for a daily screencast?

I spent some time cooking up some veggies, because I didn't want them to spoil. I think this would have been more appropriate for Sunday's "meal prep" time block.

My knees are still bothering me, so I haven't been walking as much. I got out for a walk this morning, and in the afternoon -- still haven't done a lunch time walk, though I did head out to the store to buy some stuff.

My five minute journals have been taking way more than five minutes, as I seem to be thinking about things for too long a time.