DATE: 04/29/2020

I am grateful for...

1.Being well rested.
2.Getting things done.
3.Living in San Francisco.

What would make today great?

1.A healthy dinner.
2.A little reorganization.
3.Being productive.

Daily affirmations. I am...

going to keep going, even after a few missteps.

3 Amazing things that happened today.

1.I got some extra sleep today.
2.I managed to get some more rearrangement done, and it feels good.
3.I had a relatively healthy meal.

How could I have made today better?

My butt is really bothering me, so I think I'm going to see about getting a standing desk contraption, of some sort.

Lunch was relatively healthy, and I ate so much that I didn't really need a full dinner. That being said, while each individual thing was relatively healthy, I think portion size is still something I need to consider.