DATE: 06/02/2020

I am grateful for...

1.My VGA-to-composite video converter arrived, and it works great.
2.That the brunt of my worries are currently limited to first-world problems.
3.Starting the day on my own terms.

What would make today great?

1.A healthy meal, and a proper dinner.
2.Getting some more stuff onto eBay.
3.Sifting, cleaning, and organizing.

Daily affirmations. I am...

going to get organized and cleaned up.

3 Amazing things that happened today.

1.I pulled out a really-old, composite only CRT, and enjoyed playing a few rounds via my emulation machine. The controller adapter even worked with my original PS1 joystick!
2.I went out for lunch, and while it was light, it was really good.
3.I used the tomato timer to great use today.

How could I have made today better?

I put some stuff on eBay, but I could help but feel restless thinking that I could do more, since I hadn't been doing much to get ridof stuff lately. But I stopped myself, thinking that it'd be better to be consistent -- do a little bit every single day, rather than just doing a ton in one sitting.

In those moments, I have to remind myself that consistency and repetition are more important than how much I do on any given day. I guess I'm still learning my own lessons.