DATE: 06/08/2020

I am grateful for...

1.Good stories.

What would make today great?

1.A yummy meal.
2.Watching some more episodes of The Big Bang Theory.
3.Making some progress at work.

Daily affirmations. I am...

going to be okay.

3 Amazing things that happened today.

1.Strong focus at work.
2.Made another bao for lunch, and it was fucking great.
3.Had fun watching The Big Bang Theory.

How could I have made today better?

Today started bumpy, as I'm basically forced to have a meeting with a client. A mild bit of anxiety kicked in (enough to be distracting), and I fear this won't be the last of it. Logically speaking, I know I'll be okay, but part of me is also frustrated because these meetings seem so frivilous and pointless.

Had some canned food for dinner -- was not good. I should really just cook all my meals from now on.