DATE: 06/24/2020

I am grateful for...

1.Sleeping in.
2.Clean spaces.
3.Delicious and healthy meals.

What would make today great?

1.Getting this living room situation sorted out.
2.Having a healthy meal.
3.Getting some actual work done.

Daily affirmations. I am...

worth remembering.

3 Amazing things that happened today.

1.I finally broke down a big piece of furniture, and placed it in storage to free up some room.
2.Some expensive items and bulky items finally sold on eBay, so I'm finally getting rid of them.
3.Made some good progress at work, but not so stressful.

How could I have made today better?

I decided to place all the items that didn't have a place into a single corner. It made me realize just how much literal stuff that I still have that doesn't have a space yet, despite all the progress I've made so far. This downsizing effort is definitely going to continue.

I had an so-so meal; part of it was due to not having any viable veggies, and a poor attempt at mixing delicious things together into an less-than-average amalgam. I've definitely said this to myself before, but I should really make up my tried-and-true recipe list and base my meals off of that.