DATE: 07/25/2020

I am grateful for...

1.Delicious food stuffs from nearby restaurants.
2.A warm blanket.
3.Occasionally having the confidence to know what I'm talking about.

What would make today great?

1.Relaxing and forgetting all about the work week.
2.Stuffing my face with some yummy foods.
3.Cleaning up a a touch.

Daily affirmations. I am...

... going to figure out what I want in life.

3 Amazing things that happened today.

1.Lots of good food.
2.Low stress, didn't really think about too much.
3.Exploring my love/hate relationship with video games of old.

How could I have made today better?

I wonder if my feeling a little better is a just temporary reprieve from all the anxiety I had last week. I'll take it though. I could be better about seeking ways to manage my anxiety.