DATE: 07/29/2020

I am grateful for...

1.Attempting to get back on my regular sleeping schedule, and waking up early.
3.Friends and girlfriends.

What would make today great?

1.A lack of anxiety.
2.Getting some progress and work done.
3.Eating something delicious.

Daily affirmations. I am...

... doing this all for a reason.

3 Amazing things that happened today.

1.Client came back, and said everything was working -- anxiety averted.
2.Had lunch out again, which was great.
3.Got my mind off things - made some progress on actual work-related things.

How could I have made today better?

I woke up feeling like utter shit; I haven't felt that way in a long time, so it was a little jarring. It took a while to get "up to speed" so to speak. At least I didn't sleep in though. I wonder if a combination of diet, lack of sleep/exercise/etc, has anything to do with this. Or if the anxiety was just getting to me. I don't know.